Build new enzymes using SSV

SSV (Structural Signature Variation ) is a method to propose mutations for enzymes used in industrial applications. SSV uses structural signatures to detect patterns, which can improve the activity of enzymes. A real and important application for SSV is the second-generation biofuel production.

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Case study: Second-Generation Biofuel Production

Cellulose is decomposed by the action of three enzymes: endoglucanases, exoglucanases, and β-glucosidases.

β-glucosidases are strongly inhibited by high glucose concentrations (same used for biofuel production).

In addition, it increases cellobiose concentration that inhibites endoglucanases and exoglucanases.

Glucose-tolerant β-glucosidases

β-glucosidases of high resistance to glucose inhibition, also called glucose-tolerants, can help to improve the biofuel production. Also, some mutations can turn non-tolerant in glucose-tolerant β-glucosidases.

SSV Method

SSV method constructs structural signatures for wild and mutant proteins and compares the signature's variation with a manually curated database of glucose-tolerant β-glucosidases, called Betagdb.


Basic Flowchart of SSV


Python scripts

You can download SSV sourcecode in Python and run on your computer. It requires: Python, MODELLER (if PDB files were not available), MULTIPROT (for structural alignment), and Perl (for running aCSM).

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Running online

You also can test SSV online. It requires as input PDB files for wild mutant protein. SSV online returns the ΔΔSSV score. If ΔΔSSV > 0, the mutation was not beneficial; if ΔΔSSV < 0, the mutation was beneficial.

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